========================================================== Format File December 01, 2002 Version 1.01 12:47 EST Coded by comrade ========================================================== Fixes 01.12.2002 12:44 EST (version 1.01) * Fixed problem with too many command-line arguments required. ========================================================== Format File is utility to insert marks into template file at desired locations denoted by %1 - %10: fmtfile.exe /b <#1-9> Switch /b specifies whether unused marks are left in their original form (%x) or removed. See included template.txt for sample of template file. ========================================================== This program comes with absolutely no warranty of any kind. Use this program solely at your risk. The author of this program will not be held responsible for any damages caused by this program. ========================================================== E-mail: comrade2k@hotmail.com Homepage: http://www.comrade64.com/ http://comrade64.cjb.net/ http://comrade.ownz.com/ http://comrade.win32asm.com/ IRC: #asm, #coders, #win32asm on EFnet ==========================================================