========================================================== Structured Exception Handling May 27, 2001 Version 1.0 11:09 EST Coded by comrade ========================================================== I have wanted to implement structured exception handling myself for a while now. When I have searched the net for documentation and examples I have found many. Most of them were complex macros that were hard to understand at first glance. An example should simply explain how one thing should be done. Creating hard-to-read macros and piling up the example with loads of features is not my understanding of an example. Here is the one I wrote. I hope you find it easy to understand. ========================================================== This program comes with absolutely no warranty of any kind. Use this program solely at your risk. The author of this program will not be held responsible for any damages caused by this program. ========================================================== E-mail: comrade2k@hotmail.com Homepage: http://www.comrade64.com/ http://comrade64.cjb.net/ IRC: #coders on EFnet ==========================================================